Morgan Wimmer, DO SHS Affiliate

4.73 out of 5

156 Reviews


Family Medicine
Languages Spoken:
Undergraduate: State University of New York Potsdam
Medical Education: Western University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific-Northwest
Residency: Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center
Board Certifications:
Family Medicine
Medical Staff Status:
Samaritan Provider
Dr. Wimmer provides primary care for people of all ages. Her interest in science led to her career in medicine, where she feels fulfilled helping people overcome challenges. Dr. Wimmer seeks to provide compassionate care and is guided by integrity, honesty, humility and respect. After completing her residency at Samaritan, she chose to stay to establish her medical practice in Lebanon where she was born, raised and attended medical school. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, camping, rock collecting, embroidery, playing the piano and spending time with her family and pets.


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