If you need instructions for a specific lab test, you can download the instructions from this page.
Call your local hospital lab with any questions.
If your health care provider has ordered a test requiring you to collect a specimen at home, please download the guidelines below for the test your provider has ordered.
24-Hour Urine Specimen
Recogida de Muestra de Orina de 24 Horas
Mid-Stream Urine Sample
Recogida de una Muestra de Orina en Pleno Flujo
Semen Sample for Analysis
Recogida de una Muestra de Semen para Análisis
Stool Collection for Culture
Muestra de Heces para Cultivo
Stool Collection for Occult Blood
Recogida de Heces para la Detección de Sangre Oculta
Stool Collection for Ova and Parasites
Recogida de Heces para un Análisis de Detección de Huevos y Parásitos
Browse the categories below to find the guidelines you need for your patient’s test.
Conventional Paps
Liquid-Based Paps
Autopsy Policy
Fine Needle Aspiration Instructions
Non-GYN Cytology Collection Guidelines
Pathology Specimen Collection Instructions