Alexandra Morrow, DO SHS Affiliate

4.97 out of 5

78 Reviews


Family Medicine
Languages Spoken:
Undergraduate: University of Michigan
Medical Education: Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine
Residency: Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center
Board Certifications:
Family Medicine
Medical Staff Status:
Samaritan Provider
Clinical Interests:
Pediatrics, Preventive Medicine, Women's Health
Dr. Morrow provides primary health care to patients of all ages. She enjoys building meaningful relationships with her patients and working as a team to accomplish shared goals. She finds fulfillment in helping others during times of need. Dr. Morrow chose to remain with Samaritan after completing her residency because she was impressed with the commitment the health system shows to improving the health and well-being of the communities it serves. In her free time, Dr. Morrow enjoys yoga, travel, reading and spending time in the great outdoors with her significant other and her dogs.


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