Eva McCarthy, DO SHS Affiliate

4.88 out of 5

38 Reviews

Family Medicine
Languages Spoken:
Undergraduate: Oregon State University
Medical Education: Des Moines University - Osteopathic Medical Center
Residency: Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center
Board Certifications:
Family Medicine/OMT
Medical Staff Status:
Samaritan Provider
Clinical Interests:
Obstetric Care, OMT, Pediatrics
Dr. McCarthy provides primary care for people of all ages including general pediatrics and prenatal care. She performs minor office procedures, as well as osteopathic manipulation for managing chronic pain. Dr. McCarthy grew up in Corvallis and attended Oregon State University where she had the opportunity to shadow physicians, which inspired her career. After completing Samaritan’s residency program, she practiced frontier medicine in Eastern Oregon before returning to practice in the Willamette Valley. In her free time, Dr. McCarthy enjoys gravel bicycle riding, rafting, canoe camping, cross-country skiing and spending time in the wilderness with her family and dogs.


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