Diabetes We’re here to help you manage your diabetes.

Take Charge of Your Diabetes

Whether you’re trying to get your diabetes under control, simply reduce the salt or fat in your diet, or safely lose the weight you gained during pregnancy, the diabetes educators at any one of Samaritan Health Services five hospitals can help.

Samaritan’s compassionate, highly skilled diabetes educators teach classes and offer individualized appointments to help you take control of your diet and/or manage your diabetes.

Download or view a handout made by the nurses and dietitians from Samaritan Diabetes Education. Learn important information about diabetes before you visit our diabetes team.

Plate of salmon with a lemon slice and a side of vegetables.

Recipes & Resources

Whether you just found out you have diabetes, or whether you’ve been living with diabetes for years, we can help. Check out the links below to find some great recipes and useful information to get you started.

If you missed our Diabetes Day event this spring, check out some of the presentations under Useful Resources.

Meet Your Local Diabetes Education Team

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