Tara Nierenberg, LCSW SHS Affiliate

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Social Worker
Languages Spoken:
Undergraduate: University of Colorado
Graduate: Oregon State University
Medical Education: Portland State University
Medical Staff Status:
Samaritan Provider
Accepting New Patients:
Clinical Interests:
Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing, Psychotherapy
Tara provides psychodynamic psychotherapy to adults 18 years and older. She helps patients explore themes and patterns in their lives that contribute to feeling stuck, with a focus on seeking to understand, and feeling understood. The goal is not a “quick fix” and the process entails dedication to healing and growth. Tara is sensitive to the impacts of trauma on daily life, and is committed to trauma-informed care. She is trained in EMDR, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, a modality that can help resolve specific, traumatic memories.

She has worked in a variety of settings, including a medical hospital, psychiatric hospital, community mental health, college counseling and pastoral counseling. She is experienced in addressing issues related to depression, anxiety, loss, trauma, life transitions, physical challenges, work and career, school, existential and identity concerns and recovery frompsychosis.


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