Protect the Skin You Are in, Sun Safety Awareness

In support of Don’t Fry Day, Samaritan Cancer Resource Center staff are doing their part to help raise awareness about sun safety and skin cancer prevention by offering free sunscreen and resources. 

Led by the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention, the Friday before Memorial Day is designated as Don’t Fry Day to encourage sun safety awareness.
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the nation, with almost 5.5 million cases diagnosed each year – more than breast, colon, lung and prostate cancers combined. In fact, one out of every five Americans will be diagnosed with some form of skin cancer in their lifetime.

To shine an even brighter light on skin cancer awareness, the Samaritan Cancer Resource Center will offer sun protection resources during the entire month of May at the following locations:

For additional information about sun safety or cancer resources, contact the Samaritan Cancer Resource Center via email [email protected] or call 541-768-2171 or 541-812-5888.

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