Pastega House Highlighted in Connecticut Newspaper

The Mario Pastega House received attention from the East Coast this week when a Connecticut newspaper published an article highlighting the services a family received while their son recovered from a stroke at Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center.

An earlier article in The Monroe Sun reported that Christopher Stead, 20, of Monroe, Connecticut, was admitted to GSRMC after having a stroke in July. Several of his family members kept vigil in Corvallis while money was raised to transport the college student back home.

“The Stead family will forever be ‘family’ to me personally and to the Pastega House,” said Leslie Armstrong, Pastega House manager. “Stan, Sandy and James signify strength as they endured 90 days away from home in order to support and care for their son.”

A GoFundMe page raised the money for an air ambulance to transport Snead across the country.

“We cried together, laughed together and celebrated together over the course of their stay with us,” said Armstrong. “I cried and I said my final goodbye to Sandy just before she got onto the medical flight with Christopher.”

Now back in Connecticut, Stead is rehabilitating at the Hospital for Special Care in New Britain.

“The unconditional love of this family toward their son is something that I will never forget,” said Armstrong. “I’m so thankful for my time with the Stead Family.”

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