Partial Hospitalization Program Offers Mental Health Help

Treatment for a severe mental health crisis doesn’t necessarily require a stay in the hospital or an inpatient unit.

Samaritan Health Services’ Partial Hospitalization Program serves eligible patients whose conditions are impacting their lives, while allowing them to be home with their families at night.

“In general, partial hospitalization is designed to prevent inpatient admission while providing treatment in a less restrictive manner,” said James Douglas, MD, medical director of Mental Health Services at Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center. “A patient can also be referred for partial hospitalization as they are transitioning out of inpatient care, or to stabilize acute psychiatric conditions to prevent them from worsening.”

Dr. Douglas said that most psychiatric disorders are eligible for partial hospitalization. Patients who can remain stable and free from self-harm at night and on weekends are eligible. Patients must also be able to participate in group therapy, which is one of the main components of the program.

Samaritan initially launched the program on the Corvallis hospital campus in 2020 but had to suspend it due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The program relaunched in mid-2021 and has seen several groups of patients graduate since.

The program runs on 21-day cycles with five hours of therapy offered each weekday. Patients can continue into the next cycle if needed.

“We have seen a majority of our patients benefit from the program, and several have said that the program saved their lives,” Dr. Douglas said. “Several have also said that they wish this type of treatment program was available earlier in the course of their illness.”

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