Newport Hospital Flooring Repair to Close Public Hallway for One Week September 25, 2024 Flooring replacement in the main public hallway at Samaritan Pacific Communities Hospital will temporarily change patient access to the hospital’s Emergency Services and Diagnostic Imaging departments beginning Monday, Oct. 14, through Sunday, Oct. 20. Plans are in place to minimize disruption to patient care during the repairs. “Whenever improvements are made, a bit of inconvenience is bound to happen,” said Jon Conner, director of Plant Engineering Services, who is overseeing the flooring repairs being done by contractors. “We ask for understanding as we work through the repairs as quickly as possible.” Use the Main Entrance for Appointments & Care Patients seeking emergency medical care and patients with appointments for any type of imaging service such as mammography, MRI and X-ray should come in through the hospital’s main entrance (shown in photo, by the circular driveway) and check in at the patient assistance desk. Volunteers and staff will be available to escort patients through hallways normally used only by employees. This work is part of a larger project that began in June to remove and replace flooring throughout the hospital. To minimize disruption to patients and staff, repair work is being done in phases and in small sections at a time. Flooring contractors are working with the hospital’s Infection Control and Risk Assessment teams to ensure patients and staff are safe and that patient care is not disrupted.