Medical Oncologist Expands Practice to Include Newport

Medical oncologist William “Bud” Pierce, MD, PhD, with Samaritan Hematology & Oncology Consultants, is expanding his Lincoln City practice to now include Newport.

Patients seeking cancer care on the coast can schedule an appointment to see Dr. Pierce at either of his coastal offices:

Appointments for either Lincoln City or Newport can be made by calling toll free 833-222-5600.

Dr. Pierce is highly regarded by patients and peers and has been caring for cancer patients for over four decades. 

In addition to the comprehensive hematology and oncology services, the Samaritan Cancer Program combines innovative research with coordinated patient care. Services include medical oncology, radiation therapy, specialty breast care, surgery, orthopedic oncology, survivorship planning, laboratory, diagnostic imaging, lymphedema care, speech therapy and other supportive services. In addition, the program operates the Mario Pastega House in Corvallis, a hospitality house, which offers low-cost stays for eligible patients while in treatment. 

Learn more about Dr. Pierce.

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