Make Prostate Care a Priority December 28, 2022 If you’ve been getting up more often at night to go to thebathroom, don’t just write it off as a part of aging. Prostatecancer can affect your continence function and is a commondisease, affecting 1 in 8 men in the U.S. “Early detection is critical, so pay attention to symptomslike burning or pain while urinating, trouble starting orstopping urinating, a frequent urge to urinate at night or aloss of bladder control,” said Layron Long, MD, a urologist atSamaritan Urology – Corvallis. These symptoms are also common among those who have anenlarged prostate, so don’t automatically assume it’s cancerif you are having pain or complications with urination. Yourbest bet is to go in for an exam. Advanced treatments available If you are over the age of 65, are Black or have a familyhistory of prostate cancer, you may be at a higher risk, sotalk to your primary care provider even if you aren’t noticingany symptoms. Since prostate cancer can develop withoutsymptoms, you may need to be screened using a physicalexam or a blood test. Depending on the results of thesetests you may be referred to a urologist for a biopsy toconfirm diagnosis. “We use highly targeted tools for detecting and treatingprostate cancer, like MRI or ultrasound‑guided biopsy,which uses real‑time imaging to identify a possible tumorand take an accurate sample,” said Dr. Long. “If surgery isneeded, our team offers minimally invasive roboticsurgery to preserve healthy tissue and minimizeside effects.” Some patients are good candidates fora form of radiation therapy calledprostate brachytherapy. Thistreatment uses a tiny device thesize of a grain of rice placed at thetumor site to dispense radiation.Since this restricts radiationto a small area, brachytherapycan treat cancer while limitingdamage to healthy cells. Recovery outlook is positive Dr. Long reports that prostatecancer responds well totreatment, with a 90% to 95%cure rate if detected early. “Don’t ignore prostate problems,”he said. “We use the mostcutting‑edge technologies, but the bestcare works even better if we can find thecancer when it’s small.” Hear from Rik Savering, prostate cancer survivor,about how his fear prolonged getting care and hishindsight advice for others, at