Losing 130 Pounds Leads to New Outlook on Life

Amie had always been an athletic kid, she loved to run and compete in cross country – weight wasn’t an issue. As an adult, she competes in dressage with her horse King and enjoys sporting activities with her family. But, despite her mental drive to be physically active, she struggled to keep up and her weight continued to climb.

“I’d tried every diet under the sun – eating 1,000 calories a day – coupled with daily workouts but nothing worked,” said Brewer.

The final straw for Brewer was the day she went to exercise King and had a misstep on the mounting block, resulting in a ruptured ACL. Her weight had increased so much, she could no longer enjoy this physical aspect of her life and knew a change was needed. 

After researching weight loss surgery options, immersing herself in information, joining a support group on Facebook and connecting with a therapist, Brewer reached out to Samaritan Health Services.

“I met with Dr. Yarborough, a bariatric surgeon at Samaritan Weight Management Institute,” said Brewer.  “It was recommended a vertical sleeve gastrectomy would be my best option. This meant they’d reduce the size of my stomach, so I’d feel fuller quicker, even with smaller amounts of food.”

The weeks immediately after Brewer’s weight loss surgery were incredibly tough. It required her to be mentally and emotionally strong, and to rely on her support system. Food reintroduction was the most difficult, but Brewer is back to eating normally and staying the course of the program. 

“I’ve lost nearly the size of an adult human,” joked Brewer. Having dropped 130 pounds since having her procedure in April 2018. 

Brewer has established a healthy balance with food and exercise and positive approach for channeling stress. Instead of binge eating or consuming the wrong types of food, she takes walks, engages with her horses or does something physically active with her family.

Brewer shared this advice for anyone considering weight loss surgery. “It’s critical to understand your coping mechanism for stress and your relationship with food – until that’s sorted out, surgery won’t do a lick of good. Make this choice for you, and only you. And lastly, listen to your medical care team – even the minor stuff, because it does matter.”

See More Pictures of Amie & King

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