Lifestyle Change Program Helps Patients Lose Weight

Precision Wellness is a 16-week, evidence-based, lifestyle change program offered by Samaritan Weight Management Institute.

Led by experts who specialize in obesity, the program gives patients the skills needed to gain optimal health and well-being, with a focus on nutrition, physical activity, mindfulness, sleep, hormones and metabolic optimization. 

“Roughly 40% of adults in the U.S. are obese,” said Katy Brown, DO, an endocrinologist for Samaritan Weight Management Institute. “Precision Wellness focuses on lifestyle changes designed to improve metabolic health parameters, including high blood pressure, prediabetes, diabetes, cholesterol and many other health implications that arise or are exacerbated by excess weight.”

Until recently, Samaritan Weight Management Institute has primarily offered patients surgical weight loss options, such as gastric bypass and vertical sleeve gastrectomy.

“Our surgical weight loss program is fantastic,” Dr. Brown said. “For a variety of reasons though, whether it’s qualification, eligibility or otherwise, surgery isn’t always the right option for every person we see.”

Participants in Precision Wellness meet virtually each week over the course of 16 weeks. The program also includes physical activity sessions at SamFit – Corvallis and Albany, healthy recipes, support groups and more.

“This program is designed to provide patients another option to help them reach optimal health,” said Dr. Brown.

The Precision Wellness program is offered each spring and fall. Patients can self-enroll or be referred via Epic to Samaritan Weight Management Institute. Openings are limited, and advance registration is required. Contact the weight loss team now if you’re interested in enrolling for the fall program.

For questions or to enroll, contact the clinic at 541-768-4280

Candidates must be 18 years of age or older with a BMI of 30 or greater. 

Learn more about the program from Dr. Katy Brown:

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