Lebanon Foundation Funds $178,850 for Hospital Projects

For every dollar donated by hospital employees during the annual giving campaign, Lebanon Community Hospital Foundation returns an equal amount – or greater – in funding for hospital projects, programs and equipment.

In 2021, employees generously donated $132,139 during the Samaritan Employee Caring Campaign held each October. Last month, the foundation trustees approved $178,850 in funding requests submitted by hospital managers.

Funding is made available by generous individuals and businesses who contribute to the foundation.

“Our frontline staff are very knowledgeable about the needs of their departments and what improvements would make the most difference to employees and patients,” said Brandy O’Bannon, foundation executive director. “We are grateful to our staff for advocating for funding, and for their generosity to our foundation. We are also very appreciative of the community’s support that allows us to make significant equipment and program investments.”

Equipment needs that were funded include: patient lift for Sweet Home Family Medicine, new refrigerators for the imaging, lab and nutrition departments, new bassinets for the Girod Birth Center, a patient repositioner for the Evergreen Hospice House and much more.

The foundation also provided critical funding for programs such as medical alert scholarships, nutrition counseling for seniors, patient support, trauma informed yoga for Sarah’s Place, the ArtsCare program, Reach Out and Read, cancer support groups and hospital clothing closets.

For more information about the allocations or the Samaritan Employee Caring Campaign, call the Samaritan Foundation at 541-451-6303.

Learn more about Samaritan Foundation activities in your area by visiting samhealth.org/Giving.

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