Lebanon Community Hospital Foundation Awards Scholarships July 5, 2023 The Lebanon Community Hospital Foundation, Girod Scholarship Committee, Pape Scholarship Committee, Easton Scholarship Committee, Dinges Scholarship Committee and Nurse Education Scholarship Committee are pleased to announce thirteen winners of their respective scholarships for the 2023-2024 academic year. The late Frank Girod, MD, was one of the founding members of the Lebanon Community Hospital. His family awards this scholarship every year in his honor to students from east Linn County who are enrolled in medical school. The Girod Committee awarded three scholarships this year for a total of $16,000, which brings the total dollar amount of Girod Medical Scholarships awarded to $311,500 since 1998. Scholarships were awarded to: Kayla Baker, at Western University, COMP-Northwest. Yvonne Lam, at Western University, COMP-Northwest. Tyler Richins, at Western University, COMP-Northwest. The Julietta A. Pape Scholarship was funded in 2021 by a generous grant made possible by The Julietta A. Pape Fund of the Lutheran Funds of InFaith Community Foundation. The purpose of the scholarship is to honor the lifetime contribution to education made by Julietta A. Pape and to assist new students of medicine to also be able to make contributions. The Pape Committee awarded four scholarships for a total of $4,000 this year. Scholarships were awarded to: Arina Altuhov, at Oregon Health Sciences University. Kayla Baker, at Western University, COMP-Northwest. Yvonne Lam, at Western University, COMP-Northwest. Tyler Richins, at Western University, COMP-Northwest. The family of the late Rachel Easton, a longtime nurse at Samaritan’s Park Street Clinic, awards the Rachel Easton, RN Scholarship each year in her honor to an east Linn County area student enrolled in a nursing program. This year the committee awarded a $2,000 scholarship to: Lisa Shields, a nursing student at Linn-Benton Community College. John and Carol Dinges of Lebanon award the Dinges Medical Scholarship every year to a graduate of a high school in east Linn County who is currently enrolled in an entry-level health career program at Linn-Benton Community College. This year, the Dinges Committee awarded two $2,000 scholarships to: Chloe Juntunen, who will enter the nursing program at Linn-Benton Community College. Cassandra Schueller, who will enter the medical assistant program at Linn-Benton Community College. The Nurse Education Scholarship was started in 2020 for caregivers and certified nursing assistants pursuing continued education in the nursing field. The committee awarded three scholarships for a total funding of $3,500 to: Libby Jorgensen, a certified nursing assistant student at Dare 2 Care Learning Center. Olga Ostroukhov, a nursing student at Linn-Benton Community College. Lisa Shields, a nursing student at Linn-Benton Community College. “We were thrilled to award thirteen local students with scholarship support this year,” said Brandy O’Bannon, executive director of the Lebanon Community Hospital Foundation. “We are tremendously proud of this group of outstanding scholars who are pursuing careers in the medical field. We are also very appreciative of the many donors who make these investments possible!” For more information or to donate to these scholarships, contact the Lebanon Community Hospital Foundation at 541-451-6303.