Heart to Heart Spring/Summer 2019

Building healthier communities together is the theme of this issue of Heart to Heart. In the spotlight is an article on the history of Samaritan Pacific Communities Hospital in Newport with images of its new addition. You’ll also read about community partnerships making a significant impact in Benton, Lincoln and Linn counties.

Our cover story features a longtime Newport resident enjoying retirement after back surgery. You can also read about a Lebanon woman thrilled to have had a vein procedure so she can run again and an Albany woman who quit smoking after 40 years!

Learn tips on safely navigating coastal hazards, caring for medical needs while on vacation and the importance of Medicare’s Annual Wellness Visit.

You too can make an impact on your community. Learn how to become an immediate responder with ’Stop the Bleed’ and CPR training, try a new healthy avocado chicken salad recipe with your family, or volunteer with a local organization you feel passionate about.

Heart to Heart is your local guide to good health from Samaritan Health Services. Jump in and let’s build healthier communities together!

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