Get a Better, Healthier Night’s Sleep

Sleep is essential for survival, but consistently getting a good
night’s sleep is a challenge for many. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states more than 35% of
American adults get less than the recommended seven to
eight hours of sleep each night.

“Having good sleep hygiene, which includes your daily routine
and sleep environment, can help you experience better
quality sleep and allow you to reap the health and well‑being
benefits that come from sleep,” said Nicholas Gaffney,
manager of neurodiagnostics and Samaritan Sleep Services.

Good sleep hygiene starts with healthy daily habits, said
Gaffney, including:

  • Eating well, including limiting sugar and soda.
  • Exercising regularly.
  • Limiting caffeine after 1 p.m.
  • Limiting alcohol, which may help you fall asleep but
    too much can cause sleep fragmentation and impact
    sleep quality.
  • Avoiding anything with a blue light — TVs, tablets,
    computers and phones — 30 to 60 minutes before
    bedtime. Your optic nerve picks up the blue light and
    signals to your body that the sun is out and time to be
    awake. This also eliminates stimulation so that your
    brain can produce the melatonin necessary for sleep.
  • Setting a regular sleep schedule — including a bedtime
    and wake up time — and stick to it. While it’s tempting
    to sleep in on a Saturday, it will throw off your sleep
    schedule and by Monday morning you’ll be in a
    sleep deficit.

Where you sleep is also important. Here are a few ways
to ensure your sleep environment contributes to a
successful night’s sleep:

  • Keep your bedroom clean and clutter free.
  • Keep your bedroom as dark as possible.
  • Turn your phone off at bedtime or put it in
    do-not-disturb mode so that you are not awakened
    by noisy or bright notifications.
  • Do not let your pets sleep in bed with you. This is a tough
    one for pet lovers but our furry friends are often what
    keep us from a good night’s sleep.
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