Financial Strain Can Create Side Effects

Financial problems are consistently rated among the highest sources of stress. The constant thoughts about how to make ends meet take a toll on the body physically and mentally, which can degrade one’s health over time.

“Ongoing stress has been linked to migraines, heart disease, diabetes, anxiety and depression, among other conditions,” said Sally Beggs, FNP, of Samaritan Lebanon Health Center. “To cope with stress, people can end up overeating, consuming more alcohol and smoking even more. All these behaviors have negative effects on the body and increase health risks.”

To help manage stress and improve overall health, strive for 30 minutes of exercise a day, even if it is just a leisurely stroll outside. Walking is free, can reduce stress, improve mental health and help prevent disease. Make a conscious effort to eat a well-balanced diet each day as food is sometimes the best medicine, if you make the right choices.

Additionally, consider these tips for financial wellness provided by Northwestern Mutual, the Dragoo Financial Group:

  • Track your spending using a budgeting system that works for you:
  • Identify “Need” vs. “Want” expenses.
  • You “Need” certain things to run your house,“Wants” can be downsized when necessary.
  • Set financial goals and categorize each goal as short-, mid- or long-term. Determine the best strategy for fulfilling these goals.
  • Make time to build your own financial plan. Your employer may have a benefit where employees can receive a no-fee or obligation financial planning session.
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