Emergency Nurse Is DAISY Award Winner in Lincoln City

A dozen nurses at Samaritan North Lincoln Hospital were recognized at a recent virtual ceremony with one of them – David Schuller, RN – selected as the 2021 DAISY Award recipient.

Schuller, who has worked in the hospital’s emergency department since 2014, was nominated by a fellow employee who experienced his compassionate and professional care firsthand.

The nominator stated that she was brought to the hospital in an ambulance after having an allergic reaction and being unable to breathe. She was anxious about being physically exposed to her co-workers, anxious about getting an intravenous line started (since the first responders and paramedics were unable to do so), and anxious that because she is a nurse herself that she may be treated differently.

“Dave was calm, friendly and so reassuring. He was able to quickly and efficiently get an IV started. He treated me with kindness, empathy and respect and it went a long way to calm me down and to help me focus on my breathing.

“Dave said something that I will remember the rest of my life. He told my husband: ‘It is important for me to give your wife the best care possible. She is part of my SNLH family but today she is a patient and it is my personal responsibility to ensure that she has all care and interventions explained just like I would do for every patient in my care.’

“You have no idea how much those simple words meant to me. Dave kept his word – he explained every intervention and every medication. He apologized for delays and kept me informed. He was a consistent presence in my care from start to finish.”

As this year’s DAISY Award winner, Schuller received a DAISY pin, award certificate and a hand-carved stone sculpture entitled “A Healer’s Touch.” He will also be featured on the website of the national DAISY Foundation, and a large celebratory banner with his signature and the signatures of previous recipients will hang in his department.

Along with the public recognition, DAISY award winners also receive financial discounts for nursing certification training; reduced tuition for continued education; conference scholarship opportunities; and are eligible for the national DAISY Award.

The other nominated SNLH nurses who were in consideration for the DAISY Award this year were Pauline Belanger, Ana Castellanos-Villanueva, Jase Davidsaver, Tiffany Davidsaver, Kimberly Edwards, Rienna Gildner, Becky Kulla, Chuck Murphy, Claire Osborn, Antje Sciarrotta and Sarah Scanlan.

The DAISY Award was established by the family of J. Patrick Barnes to “honor the super-human work nurses do for patients and families every day wherever they practice, in whatever role they serve and throughout their careers, from student through a lifetime of achievement.”

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