Donation Provides Books to Newborns at Newport Hospital

A Siletz mother who is also an independent book consultant asked the community to support her fundraiser to provide books to newborns at Samaritan Pacific Communities Hospital. The result of this successful drive was a donation of 174 books to the hospital’s birthing center, to be given to new families.

Tiffany Kosydar, who consults for Usborne Books & More, recalled that when she delivered two of her children at the Newport hospital, she was given a “baby box” filled with helpful items including books.

“Watching a baby’s eyes light up when they look at a book is amazing,” Kosydar said.

Reading to babies encourages them to look, point, touch and respond. This helps with social development and thinking skills, as well as language skills when the baby copies sounds, recognizes pictures and learns words.

The donation was accepted by Ursula Marinelli, executive director of Pacific Communities Health District Foundation, and Carmen Eisenbarth, clinical coordinator for Labor and Delivery.

Kosydar thanked the community for their support and said she would look forward to doing a similar fundraiser twice a year to help keep the hospital’s birthing unit well supplied with books for newborns.

Learn more about giving through Samaritan Foundations.

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