Cancer Director Chairs Oregon Board of Medical Imaging

Brad Betz, director of Samaritan Cancer Program’s Radiation Oncology department, has been elected board chair of the Oregon Board of Medical Imaging. He was appointed as the radiation oncology representative to the board in 2016 by Gov. Kate Brown, and served as vice-chair and head of the disciplinary committee since 2017.

Betz has almost 30 years of experience in the field of radiation therapy, both in Canada and the United States. As board chair, he will oversee executive and public sessions, as well as consult with the advisory committee on policy and rule changes pertaining to patient safety.

The Oregon Board of Medical Imaging works to create legislation and provide oversight for the safe training and use of medical imaging.

“This can be a challenge in healthcare’s constantly changing landscape,” Betz said. “My passion is for the patient, improving health outcomes and ensuring safety in light of technological advances in medical imaging.”

In 2018, the board drafted four bills which were passed by state lawmakers, working directly with the Oregon Nurses Association, the Oregon Board of Medicine and state radiologic technology schools. One of the proposed bills, SB 128, if passed, would ensure advanced practice registered nurses supervising fluoroscopy are required to complete specialized education and prove competency before having oversight of a licensed technologist.

For more information about the work of the Oregon Board of Medical Imaging, visit

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