Boysen Named Oregon Delegate to National Policy Board January 24, 2022 Samaritan Health Services CEO Doug Boysen, JD, MHA, has been named as the Oregon delegate to the West Coast Regional Policy Board of the American Hospital Association. “It is an honor to serve in this capacity,” said Boysen. “I believe over the next few years we are going to see significant changes in healthcare policy from both the federal and state governments.” Boysen was named to a three-year term on the policy board. This year the policy board will meet three times to discuss policy issues and alternatives. Their recommendations and analyses are used by the AHA board in its policy deliberations. “This appointment will allow me to bring the perspective of Oregon and, even more specifically, the perspective of the mid-Willamette Valley as new health care policies are being contemplated across the country,” Boysen said. Besides serving on the policy board, Boysen is the chair elect of Oregon Association of Hospital and Health Systems’ board of directors, the chair of OAHHS Public Policy Committee and co-chair of Value-Based Payment Compact Workgroup which is co-sponsored by the Oregon Health Authority and Oregon Health Leadership Council.