App Supports People During Their Journey to Weight Loss

Samaritan Weight Management Institute has further enhanced the experience for those on their journey to weight loss, with the Baritastic app. The app is available to current patients and those seeking a bariatric surgery program. 

The Baritastic app can track weight loss, nutrition and exercise. It offers reminders for appointments, plus vitamin and supplement needs. Other features include a timer to track chewing (a feature particularly important for bariatric patients), recipes, general information about the bariatric program and much more.  

Patients and those interested in bariatric surgery are encouraged to get the app. To access, search major app stores for Baritastic. Then download the app and enter code 84280 – this will connect you with Samaritan Weight Management Institute. 

For more information about the Baritastic app, visit If you have questions about the app or want to reach the bariatric program at Samaritan, visit or call 541-768-4280.

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