Albany Hospital Celebrates First Baby of the New Year

A bouncing baby boy was the first baby of the New Year in the Mid-Valley, born at Albany General Hospital in the afternoon on New Year’s day.

Alexander Jose Silva Valdivia was born to Jessica Silva Valdivia and Cristian Silva Ortiz of Albany at 2:09 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 1. The healthy boy weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces and was 21 inches long.

“It was awesome,” said Jessica. “We were not really expecting a New Year’s baby.”

Alexander joins brother Romeo, 5, and sister Lelia, 4 at home. All three of Jessica’s children were born at the hospital in Albany.

January birthdays have taken over their family Jessica noted.  The boy’s older sister and father both have birthdays in the first month of the year.

To celebrate the first baby of the New Year, it is tradition for Samaritan Albany General Hospital to present a gift basket of care products, toys and items to celebrate.

“I want to say thank you to the nurses in labor and delivery” Jessica said.  “I also want to thank Dr. Hovey for guiding me step by step through the process.”

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