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Research Updates at Samaritan

Congratulations to Samaritan Health Services rheumatologist Dr. Jonathan Jones and biostatistician Olivia Pipitone on their manuscript “Risk of COVID-19 Infection and Hospitalization in Patients With Inflammatory Rheumatic Disease Compared With the General Population,” recently published in the Journal of Clinical Rheumatology.  The study team included a medical student at COMP-NW as well as partners at Intermountain Healthcare in Utah and Kaiser Permanente NW.  Read the manuscript

Samaritan Orthopedic Residents and Surgeons Actively Conducting Clinical Research Looking at a Different Method to Control Post-operative Pain for Patients Undergoing a Total Knee Replacement (April 2021).

New Research Aims to Measure Serum Metal Ion Levels in Orthopedic Oncology Patients with Endoprosthesis (April 2021).

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