Research & Clinical Trials

Three smiling women look at a computer in Samaritan research lab.


Research News

Learn more about Samaritan’s research activities.


Current Studies

Learn more about the research opportunities available at Samaritan Health Services. 

Joining Our Clinical Trials

Why Should You Consider Participating in a Clinical Trial? 

By participating in a clinical trial, you are contributing to the advancement of medical knowledge in scientific research. Clinical trials are essential in the research and development of medical interventions. Your involvement may help researchers understand diseases better, develop new treatments, and improve existing ones.

Why Are Clinical Trials Conducted? 

Clinical trials are conducted to evaluate the safety, efficacy, and potential side effects of a new medical interventions, such as: drug, device, or treatments.

Are Clinical Trials Safe? 

All Clinical trials have protocols and ethical guidelines to ensure the participant safety. Each protocol, before being put in use, is reviewed through an Institutional Review Board. The Institutional Review Board reviews research protocols to protect the rights and welfare of human research subjects that will potentially take part in research activities.

What Is a Clinical Trial? 

A Clinical Trial is a research study conducted to evaluate a new medical treatment, drug, device, or intervention. Clinical trials aim to determine the safety and effectiveness of these interventions with human volunteers by comparing it to previous studies or a placebo. Each study will follow a strict protocol/guidelines and they are essential for advancing medical knowledge and improving patient care.

What About My Safety and Costs? 

Every potential risk will be discussed with the participants so they are aware of every aspect before consenting. There will be discussion of any known side effects or adverse reactions that have been observed in previous trials, and an explanation about how they will be monitored and managed during the trial. We encourage any questions that you may have. Costs are unique to each clinical trial and most if not all of the procedures required are covered by the clinical trial. Costs are discussed in the informed consent form of each clinical trial.

Can I Opt Out? (MyChart)

  1. Log into your My Chart.
  2. Go into the menu and under Resources click “Research Studies.”
  3. Under “Participation Preferences” click “Do no Contact” to opt out.
Man in sports coat talking to three women and one man.


Research Staff

Samaritan Health Outcomes Research & Evaluation department (SHORE) supports clinical trials and investigator-initiated research across Benton, Lincoln and Linn counties.

Institutional Review Board

 Learn more about Samaritan Regional Institutional Review Board (IRB).

Contact Us

For more information, email [email protected] or call 541-768-4352

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