Center for Women & Families

at Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center


We are so happy you have chosen Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center as the place to have your baby. Our Center for Women and Families has achieved a Birthing-Friendly designation, reflecting our commitment to exceptional care. Our specialized team includes dedicated maternal-fetal specialists, 24/7 pediatric hospitalists for immediate newborn care and round-the-clock anesthesiologists ensuring your comfort throughout your stay.

From pregnancy through delivery and beyond, we provide comprehensive, personalized care in a supportive environment where your birth preferences are respected and celebrated. Your family’s journey matters to us, and we look forward to being part of this precious milestone as you welcome your new addition into the world.

As you prepare for your new little one, our team is ready to help you on your journey.  We offer group maternity tours twice a month, as well as breastfeeding, anesthesia and childbirth classes.  

During your stay, you will receive education and support with breastfeeding from our Baby-Friendly certified staff. A lactation consultant will assist you to start breastfeeding within one hour after childbirth and will show you how to breastfeed and maintain lactation. Your baby will stay in your room with you during your stay. We will ensure you receive up to two hours of uninterrupted time for skin-to-skin contact with your baby each day. Our lactation consultants also will provide you with tools to maintain lactation after leaving the hospital and offer information about weekly breastfeeding support groups. 

Birthing suite with a bed, window and couch.

Center Tour

To get familiar with the birth environment before your delivery time comes, we encourage you and a support person to join us for a group tour, which are available twice a month beginning Tuesday, March 11. These tours are offered will be offered from 6 – 7 p.m. on the second Tuesday and fourth Thursday of each month.

Participants should meet in the lobby inside the main entrance of Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center 15 minutes before schedule tour time.

The Center for Women & Families provides a welcoming, safe and secure environment for you and your new family.

We look forward to meeting you.


Childbirth Preparation, Breastfeeding and Infant CPR classes are just a few of the excellent classes and support groups held at Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center for you and your family.

Your Experience

Every birth experience is unique. Please consider these questions when planning your birth. Who will be there with you? Do you want a natural birth, or medication to help with your comfort? Do you want to walk around or sit in the jetted tub during labor? Will you be breastfeeding?

This is your time! Since babies often have a mind of their own not everything will go as planned. The preparation you do beforehand will enable you to focus on what is most important – your experience and the birth of your baby!

Map of Good Sam.

Where to Go

First, call your doctor. Then, with your bag packed and baby car seat ready to go, all you need is a driver to take you to:

Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center
3600 Samaritan Drive
Corvallis, OR 97330

Monday through Friday, 5:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. enter through the main hospital entrance and let admitting know you are in labor.

After hours, weekends and holidays, 5 p.m. to 5:30 a.m., go to the Emergency Department.

You can park in any of the hospital parking areas, or if you need immediate attention, please have your driver pull up to the circular driveway at either entrance.

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