Colorful graphic of a person in a wheelchair being assisted by another person.

Building Community

Sarah’s Place

A volunteer sharing educational pamphlets about Sarah's Place at a local event.

Who:  Sarah’s Place cares for anyone (all genders) needing immediate medical treatment from sexual trauma throughout Samaritan’s service area. Sarah is the name chosen to represent all who have experienced sexual assault.

What:  Sarah’s Place provides a safe place for survivors of sexual assault to receive resources and care. All services are free. Sarah’s Place is the first regional SANE (sexual assault nurse examiner) center in Oregon.

Where: A discreet environment adjacent to, but separate from, the Samaritan Albany General Hospital Emergency Department.

When:  Services are provided 24 hours a day, seven days per week.

Why:  Survivors of sexual assault frequently have limited access to immediate care in their community and examination by qualified staff.

Campaign Goal:  Equipment, patient care
resources, community education and program support: $200,000.

Lead Foundation:  Albany General Hospital Foundation.

“At Sarah’s Place we do more than just respond to sexual violence by providing medical care, we fight to end sexual violence by using our voices and encouraging the voices of others. We work with our community partners in raising awareness and teaching prevention.”

~Nurse at Sarah’s Place

Colorful graphic of a person in a wheelchair being assisted by another person.

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Building Community
Sarah’s Place

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