Samaritan Treatment & Recovery Services – Residential Program We are your safe harbor.

Samaritan Treatment & Recovery Services – Residential Program Welcomes You

Located in The Barbara & Larry Mullins Center in Lebanon, Oregon, Samaritan Treatment & Recovery Services (STARS), believes there is hope for recovery and a better life, and that people get better in a healing environment fostered by dignity, compassion and respect.

The 16-bed residential treatment facility, is designed as a safe harbor that will serve adults 18 and older with serious substance use disorders throughout Oregon — priority is given to patients who live in Benton, Lincoln and Linn counties. The services provide resources to treat patients needing the safety and security of a residential care program, as well as outpatient services for individuals that can maintain employment and home life, while seeking services they need.

Our Guiding Philosophy

We believe that people who are struggling with substance use disorder deserve to heal in a safe, warm, welcoming environment. We provide evidence-based practices and believe substance use disorder can be treated successfully.

Visitor Information

Samaritan Treatment & Recovery Services – Residential111 N Main St Suite B
Lebanon, OR 97355-2868

Fax: 541-812-2056

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Close up of a woman's supportive hand on man's shoulder.



Residential Treatment Program

Our residential treatment program offers a safe, trauma-responsive environment. We understand that people come from all walks of life and that culture informs treatment and the path to recovery.

Admission Information

If you or a loved one is in need of a residential treatment program, it’s important to review the following information.

Samaritan Treatment & Recovery Services provides services to adults 18 years of age and older, for addiction and behavioral health treatment. We realize that the “window” for intervening with a person struggling with substance use issues may be narrow and time sensitive. We also understand that when someone reaches out to inquire about services, treatment, support and resources, whether for themselves or someone they care about, this is a potentially chaotic, unpredictable and frightening time in their lives. It is with this in mind, that our program is committed to removing obstacles for those struggling with substances and the people in their lives that are concerned for them. It is our belief that there is “no wrong door” to treatment. Patients may be self-referred, referred by a family member with concerns or other professional stakeholders. Individuals are admitted to the programs without regard to race, color, sexual orientation, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, disability or status as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam Era. It is our policy to comply with all aspects of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the provision of service to include accessibility and reasonable accommodations.

Our staff will respond promptly to complete a screening and provide peer support, case management and referral services. Patients may call either of the following numbers to arrange for a screening or to be scheduled for an assessment.

Patients waiting to enter our residential program may have a waiting period before admitting. If living in the tri-county region, it’s encouraged to join our intensive outpatient program while waiting for a bed to become available (this may speed up the admission process).

Continuous outreach from our intake coordinator or care coordinator will to discuss continued interest in our program.

While you are waiting, please try to use the time to prepare for admission.

  • Put together what you need to pack and make any arrangements for leaving your home for a length of time. 
  • Start planning for childcare, pet care, bill pay, etc. for the time you will be gone. 
  • Make sure that your funding source is secured.
    • For example, if you have OHP/IHN, please complete any OHP/IHN reviews and send in the necessary paperwork to make sure that your coverage is uninterrupted. 

  • Appropriate clothing for the season, approximately 7-10 days worth. 
  • Personal care items: soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo & conditioner, deodorant, hygiene products.
  • Hairdryer, curling iron, etc.
  • Alarm clock, radio, CD/MP3 player/iPod with earphones (no cameras allowed).
  • Recovery materials, workbooks, journals or other books.

Please bring 3 days worth of current medications.

STARS reserves the right to refuse any item at admission if it is inappropriate, or if there are too many belongings to fit in the room provided. We will send forbidden items back with your ride or store small items, which will be returned to you at discharge. All drugs, alcohol and tobacco products brought into the facility will be confiscated and discarded.

  • Drugs, alcohol, paraphernalia. 
  • Handheld gaming devices. 
  • Perfume, aerosols, candles, incense, unnecessary valuables.
  • Hair dye, nail kits, nail polish or remover.
  • Products containing alcohol (e.g., Listerine, Nyquil). 
  • Food, coffee, tea, soda or candy.
  • Clothing, pictures or materials that are alcohol/drug related or illustrate violence toward women.

Looking for Outpatient Treatment?

Learn more about our outpatient treatment services at Samaritan Treatment & Recovery Services.

Campaign for Recovery

Oregon consistently ranks as having one of the
highest rates of addiction disorder in the nation.

Become a part of the solution. Join Samaritan Health Services in the Campaign for Recovery. 

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