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Weight Loss Surgery Information Session

  • This event has passed.
  • Virtual
  • Tuesday, Dec. 10, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
  • Event Series Event Series (See All)
  • Free USD

At Samaritan Weight Management Institute, we know that everyone’s weight management needs differ. That is why our program combines outstanding medical quality with a compassionate, complete follow-up program that you won’t find anywhere else. When you choose us, you become more than a patient, you become part of our family.

If you are looking for weight management solutions and want to learn more about our program, join us for a free virtual information session. Our team will explain the steps involved with weight loss surgery and whether you qualify for the procedure.

Please call 541-768-4280 to register. You will receive log in information to attend the virtual event when you register.

Learn more about the Samaritan Weight Management Institute.

Register by Phone:  541-768-4280

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