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Super Sibling Class — Corvallis


Enjoy an entertaining and educational video produced by INJOY, featuring fictional characters doctor Samuel Higabigaby along with Roo the Super Computer and several super siblings.

The video will be used to explain to kids what their new sibling will look like, how to hold and talk to baby, what baby eats, how to be a helper, new feelings, along with hands on activities to help make becoming a sibling fun.

Each sibling will receive an activity book and a Super Sibling Diploma.

Participants will have the opportunity to tour the labor and delivery unit at the end of the class!

Target audience is children ages 3-7 who are expecting a new baby in the family.

Contact Maternity Care Coordinator Mandy Clark at 541-768-6908 or Pollywog at 541-917-4884 or pollywogFamily.org for more information or to register.

Register by Phone:  541-768-6908

Register by Email:   [email protected]

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