For IS & Analysts Only

SHS Haiku, Canto & Rover (BYOD) Mobile Configuration


Download and install the mobile app by selecting the appropriate version below, then return to this website and to configure.

*Rover access on personal devices is only approved for Supervisors/Managers and above. This includes IS staff for support & testing.


After the app is installed, tap the appropriate button below from your device to auto-configure, then return to this website and activate.


Confirm Samaritan Health Services is listed on the home screen of the app, then log into the app using your Epic user ID and password. You should receive the following pop-up: Device not yet registered. An administrator has been notified to activate this device.

Within 3 business days, Information Services will register your device and send you an activation notice through Epic In Basket. Once you have received that notification, you will be able to use your Epic user ID and password to log into the Epic app on that device. If you haven’t received a reply in 3 business days, please contact the IS Service Desk (541-768-4911) for further assistance.

*Device Activation protects the Hospital System (and yourself) in the event your device is lost or stolen.

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