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SamCare Mobile Medicine Clinic — Newport

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SamCare Mobile Medicine will be parked at Agape Respite Center in Newport on Friday, May 17, from 1 to 4 p.m., offering foot care and general health care services. The clinic is open to all.

A podiatrist, toenail-trimming specialist and urgent care provider will see patients in two exam rooms inside the 40-foot unit. They can treat foot pain, numbness, illness, infection and allergies. They can perform routine check-ups, give vaccines, authorize medication refills, provide toenail care and more.

Agape Respite Center is at 351 SW Seventh St. in Newport.

No appointment is needed. Insurance will be billed if the patient has insurance. If not, Samaritan can help make financial arrangements. As a nonprofit, Samaritan Health Services treats patients regardless of their ability to pay. For more information, call 541-768-2220.

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