Vein Procedure Helps Lebanon Woman Enjoy Running Again

Lebanon resident Angela Boyd, 44, developed varicose veins after giving birth to her children, now ages 18 and 21. Her veins had worsened over time, becoming raised, bright blue and hindering her daily activity. 

Boyd, who has worked for 12 years as a custodian for the Greater Albany Public School District, prefers to constantly be moving and averages 25,000 steps a day. 

“I love my job! I love to be active and to work with the kids,” said Boyd. When not working she likes to go on hikes, enjoy the outdoors and is even training to run 5K races. 

Medical Vs. Cosmetic Issue

Boyd confessed she didn’t realize she had a medical condition and thought it was a cosmetic issue. She was prepared to live with varicose veins, although her leg hurt regularly. 

Last year Boyd had to give up running due to her veins swelling to the size of her pinky. She lost mobility in her left leg and couldn’t bend at the knee to sit with her feet flat on the ground. 

Boyd’s OB/GYN noticed her veins and suggested she see a vein specialist. She was referred to Samaritan Surgical Specialists in Corvallis. 

A consult confirmed that her vein issues were beyond cosmetic. 

ClosureFast & Recovery

Boyd decided treatment was a necessary step. She had the minimally invasive, ClosureFast procedure completed in two areas on her leg.

ClosureFast is an outpatient procedure performed under local anesthesia and most patients resume normal activities within one to two days. 

“As far as recovery, the pain wasn’t anything that a few Advil couldn’t help,” said Boyd. “I had the procedure twice, each on a Friday and was back to walking 20,000 steps a day by Monday.”

For Boyd, the results decreased swelling in her leg and gave her mobility back. She looks forward to getting back to running and plans on participating in the iRun for Kids 5K, a fundraiser for the Albany Public Schools Foundation, with her fellow staff and local students.

If you suffer from painful varicose veins, learn more about the options available at

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