Explore Whole-person Approach to Health at Community Summit

Even with all the challenges health care workers face, it is possible to nurture your own mental health well-being and that of the individuals you serve. Find out how at the annual Partners for Health Regional Community Health Summit later this month.

With the theme, Whole-person Approach to Health, this year’s summit will take place Friday, Aug. 25, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Center for Health Education in Newport. The event is free and lunch will be provided. Registration is required as space is limited. Learn more and sign up here.

Opening remarks will be given by Associate Professor Kelly Gonzales, PhD, with the OHSU-Portland State University School of Public Health. Her work uses healing justice and indigenous resistance frameworks which promote systems change by addressing the needs of native people through the tools of public health, including health data, policies, programs and education. Among her many achievements, she is the founder and CEO of the Indigenous Health Equity Institute that is serving to further the work of decolonizing for health justice.

Throughout the morning, attendees will hear from three dynamic presenters in the fields of health and well-being, youth services and parenting education. Also, participants will indulge their senses in a mouthwatering cooking demonstration that will redefine the way they approach nutrition.

Additionally, there will be a resource fair where 20-plus community agencies will share resources, engage in conversation and provide giveaways.

The afternoon will conclude with a mental health focused panel. Together, they will unravel the complex issues in our communities, including human trafficking, child abuse and neglect, mental and behavioral health.

The summit is hosted by Linn, Benton, Lincoln Partners for Health, which is a subcommittee of the Coast to the Cascades Community Wellness Network. Samaritan Health Services is one of its partners.

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