Know When to Start Thinking About Medicare Coverage

When you’re approaching age 65 or retirement, it’s a good time to start thinking about the future of your health insurance coverage.

Medicare benefits will likely be quite different from what you’ve been getting with a private insurance plan or your employer’s insurance coverage. Your transition to Medicare will create a lot of new opportunities, but you’ve also got some decisions to make.

Enrolling in a Medicare plan could be to your advantage, even if you plan on working past age 65. A Medicare Advantage plan can lower your out-of-pocket costs, give you access to a wider range of doctors and provide additional benefits not covered by Original Medicare.

Know Your Medicare Timeline

Be aware of these important times so you can be ready for Medicare:

Age 64:
Start exploring your options. Learn how your new insurance will work and what’s covered by the four parts of Medicare – Part A, Part B, Part C and Part D.

Age 64 + 9 months:
Enroll early.
You can enroll in Original Medicare and a Medicare Advantage Plan as soon as three months before your 65th birthday.

Age 65:
It’s Medicare time.
Start receiving your Medicare insurance benefits. Make sure you’re enrolled so you can take full advantage of your benefits.

Age 65 + 3 months:
Last chance!
If you don’t enroll in Medicare Part B or Part D within three months of your Medicare eligibility, you may have to pay late enrollment penalties.

The licensed, local Medicare experts at Samaritan Health Plans can help with your transition to Medicare. They will answer all your questions and provide the information and options you need to make an informed decision based on your specific situation. Call them at 866-747-5267 or visit

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