Welcome School Coordinators

Students in class writing on paper.

Are You Interested in a Clinical or Practicum Experience for Your Students?

Samaritan is proud to partner with schools around the Northwest to provide a variety of educational opportunities to students. You can request individual placement or a cohort placement.

Requests submitted less than 45 days, or without an existing clinical affiliation agreement, will be declined.

Frequently Asked Questions

Eligibility, Process & Timeline

Quantity and timing are the main difference. Cohort requests are for securing placements/slots prior to knowing student names. Student names are added via uploading a roster after the placements/slots have been confirmed. Individual placements are used when the student information is known at the time of submitting the placement request.

Once your placement request is received, and eligibility determined, Samaritan’s Student Services will work to find/confirm an eligible preceptor for your student’s experience. Upon preceptor assignment, a confirmation email will be sent indicating the onboarding steps that are required to obtain clearance. Once onboarding is complete, the student and preceptor will receive the clearance email authorizing the experience to begin. Student experiences are not allowed to begin without the clearance email.

Placement applications vary in complexity and timeline. Generally, we attempt to match eligible student experiences with a preceptor or unit assignment within 45 days of receiving an application. An email will be sent to confirm a placement and provide next steps for onboarding.

Yes. Clearance emails are specific to the requested student experience and do not carry over from one experience to the next. Upon confirmation of the placement, an email will instruct you on which steps need to be satisfied for onboarding.

Yes. Samaritan Health Services requires an application for all student experiences. Eligibility will be determined through Samaritan’s Student Services.

Currently, we are not pursuing new contracts. We recommend that you seek private clinics in the area, or the hospitals in Salem or Eugene.

Yes. All student experiences go through the same application and clearance process.

Requests that do not meet the posted minimum notice requirements will be denied. If your date cannot be adjusted to meet the minimum requirement, we recommend that you seek private clinics in the area, or the hospitals in Salem or Eugene.

Provisioning access is determined on a case by case basis. In most scenarios, the preceptor or precepting department will receive the credentials the same day as the clearance email is sent and are expected to provide the information to the student on their first day as part of their orientation.

Samaritan Health Services is currently requesting all students and faculty submit evidence if fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

No. Non-medical exemptions from immunizations are not allowed.

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