Samaritan Employees Create Community

Samaritan employees are finding new ways to be
their authentic selves, show up fully, find support
and engage at work.

Newly formed employee resource groups promote and
increase awareness of diversity, equity and inclusion
within Samaritan. Based on results from employee surveys
and forums set forth in Samaritan’s Equity & Inclusion
, groups coalesced around four areas of shared interest,
including employees of color, disability, LGBTQ and
veterans. Other interests are also being explored for
possible additional groups.

The groups are open to all employees and provide
opportunities for networking, as well as personal and
professional growth. So far, each group has chosen to use
a shared leadership model. While they just started, leaders
hope that by centering voices that are not always heard, they
can bring about positive change.

One of the first outreach activities for the LGBTQ resource
group for employees and allies was participating in Family
Day activities in Lebanon as part of Pride Month in June.

Erin Crain, a digital marketing specialist who has worked at
Samaritan for three years, is one of the co‑leaders for the
Pride Alliance group.

Crain wants to create a safe and supportive work environment
and to bring awareness that Samaritan is a safe place for the
LGBTQ community to seek care.

“The Pride Alliance employee resource group provides a safe
space within Samaritan Health Services for staff to feel like
they can be themselves,” said Crain. “We’re working towards
initiatives to be more inclusive as an organization and to
support the community.”

She said participating in the employee resource group
feels empowering.

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