Check Your Child Safety Seat Before Traveling

Whether you’re heading on a summer road trip or just running errands with young children along for the ride, be sure they are safe with a free car seat fitting and safety check.

Richard Giles, certified child safety seat technician serving Lincoln County, is available to check the safety and correct fitting of your child’s seat, by appointment and without charge.

“Car crashes are the leading cause of accidental death of children under the age of 13,” Giles said. “By using an appropriate restraint system and using it correctly, you can greatly decrease the risk of injury or death to your child.”

Laws vary from state to state. In Oregon, children who weigh more than 40 pounds or who have reached the upper weight limit for their forward-facing car seat must use a child seat with harness or a booster seat until they are 4 feet-9 inches tall or when they turn 8 years of age.

Buckling children in car seats that are appropriate to the child’s age and size can reduce the risk of serious and fatal injuries to infants by 71% and to toddlers by 54%, Giles said, while the use of a booster seat reduces the risk for serious injury by 45% for children ages 4 to 8, when compared with seat belt use alone.

For more information or to schedule a free appointment, call or text Giles at 541-961-3566 or send an email to [email protected].

This safety program is supported by Samaritan Pacific Communities Hospital and Pacific Communities Health District Foundation. Other sponsors include the Oregon Department of Transportation, State Farm Insurance and Arctic Circle.

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